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Alumni Day was a huge success

#alumnituesday Yesterday's Alumni Day was a huge success as we welcomed back St. Thomas classes 2016,’15,’14,’13,’12,’11, and ’10 back home! We had around 175 alumni and 50+ parents thrilled to be back at St Thomas. We are so proud of our alumni.
Click here to see a wonderful video. 
Also, as a huge highlight of the morning, last year's student council president, Jackson Pegg (Class of 2016), gave an insightful and inspiring speech. Jackson's uncle, Konky Arellano, also gave a wonderful speech that will be shared later. Here is what Jackson had to say:
Good morning and welcome back, my fellow alums. My name is Jackson Pegg and I am so happy to be here. Walking in to the school a short while ago brought back so many great memories of which I will always cherish.
I am here today to talk to you about what I've taken with me from St. Thomas to my middle school, Ransom Everglades, and what I learned throughout the process. The answer is simple... EVERYTHING.
As I sat down to write some thoughts about what I've learned here and how I've grown, so many amazing memories and experiences came to mind. I learned many important lessons throughout my years here that have helped me with my transition into middle school.
The most important ones are these:
1. The value of good friendships. Here at St. Thomas I made awesome and lifelong friends. We may not see each other day in and day out anymore but when we are together it feels like no time has passed. Good friends are what get you through each day. I've met many nice new friends at Ransom, but I will forever keep my friendships close with those I met here. I encourage you to do the same. 
2. The importance of honesty and integrity. Trust is built on honesty and once trust is broken it is very hard to get it back. This is true with all of our relationships... our friends, our parents, teachers, our family... it is also true for our moral character. The internet and social media are amazing tools, however, however with them come many distractions. It is so important that we remain honest and true to ourselves before we write or send anything that may affect us or others. I am forever grateful for St. Thomas teaching me these values and I certainly hope they will forever be instilled in me. 
3. The importance of being motivated. Being motivated is the secret to success. Here at St. Thomas I was taught to work hard, play hard, and keep trying. It has definitely helped me with my studies and with my sports. It is so important to have the confidence to know that if we work hard, we can do anything. 
4. Organization. This one is a tough one to learn, but believe me it's important. If you aren't an organized person, reach out for help now. Talk to your mom, your dad, teacher, grandmother... whoever can help you become more organized.... become their best friend. Learn! It's important! 
5. Always be nice. It's the right thing to do.
I can stand here and list you several moments from each year that are unforgettable... from meeting friends, learning to write our names, reading, singing, playing, praying, field days, Halloweens, art projects, Ellenton, 5th grade, and on and on I can go, but I don't have that much time. Every moment here, for me, was valuable.
My parents; my brothers and sister, Quinn, Nate and Lola in 3rd grade, have all told me about the exciting changes happening here at St. Thomas. I am so happy to hear that it's even better than it was for me. I'm excited to continue to hear about all the cool things we are doing here. I drive by S.t Thomas every day and remember all the amazing adventures I had here. Welcome Mrs. Issa, Mrs. Madrigal, and all new faculty and staff.
As a Roman philosopher once said: Every new beginning comes from another beginnings end.
My beginning and end here at St. Thomas happened so fast. It will always be a part of me and I'm so grateful for the experience. My new beginning in middle school is shaped by what I learned here.
Thank you.