Grades 3-5
To know deeper understanding, it takes an education infused with innovation.
We know the skills children will need to succeed in an ever-changing world, and we build our curriculum accordingly. St. Thomas graduates matriculate into the top middle schools in Miami and eventually into excellent colleges. We believe the core knowledge and values they developed at St. Thomas play a large role in their success.
Grade 3
Language Arts
In 3rd grade, students transition from learning to read to reading to learn. As they articulate their ideas in writing, they learn to support their argument with cited text evidence and begin incorporating language conventions.
Students in 3rd grade solve problems using all four operations and explore the concept of fractions using a hands-on approach. Collecting, organizing, and interpreting data becomes an integral part of the curriculum for 3rd graders.
The topics covered in 3rd-grade science build on one another and increase in intellectual demand with the exploration of cause-and-effect relationships.
Social Studies
The goal in 3rd-grade social studies is to establish global awareness and wider worldviews in each child. In case studies, we examine the similarities and differences of communities around the world.
In 3rd grade, students acquire Spanish language and Hispanic culture through direct instruction, authentic stories, traditional songs, and interactive activities. The students who meet expectations can communicate on very familiar topics using a variety of words and phrases to create simple sentences. Students identify differences and similarities between their own and others’ languages and cultures.
Heritage Spanish Learners: The early Heritage Spanish curriculum provides learners with language experiences and activities which develop, reinforce and maintain literacy skills and oral fluency through age-appropriate thematic units. The language instruction builds upon and reinforces vocabulary by developing listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills.
Grade 4
Language Arts
Students explore the writing process, producing narrative, expository, and persuasive texts.
Students read historical fiction, biographies, expository text, and additional chapter books of their choice. All books include an interdisciplinary activity that widens students’ experiences.
We know that mathematical principles play an integral role in our students’ daily lives, and our goal is to show 4th graders how they can apply these concepts to real-life situations. They appreciate the relevance of their learning and develop a deeper understanding of concepts through engaging hands-on experiences.
Our 4th-grade students evaluate different organisms’ structures, functions, and information-processing abilities as they relate to survival, growth, and behavior.
Social Studies
Florida is the focus of 4th-grade social studies classes. Students better understand the origins of Florida, its people, and its environment. As they examine Florida’s history, they make connections between the past and the present.
In 4th grade, students acquire Spanish language and Hispanic culture through direct instruction, authentic stories, songs, interactive games, and activities. The students who meet expectations can communicate on very familiar topics using various words and are becoming more confident combining words and taking risks using the second language.
Heritage Spanish Learners: The Heritage Spanish curriculum provides learners with language experiences and activities that develop literacy skills and oral fluency through age-appropriate thematic units. Students identify differences and similarities between their own and others’ languages and cultures.
Grade 5
Language Arts
When our 5th graders leave St. Thomas, they are strong and confident readers and writers. Students work in small groups and pursue topics that interest them in independent leisure reading.
Our novel-based curriculum includes vocabulary and writing lessons built around the texts 5th graders are exploring.
In 5th grade, we stress procedural skill and conceptual understanding, ensuring students absorb the critical concepts they will need to succeed in middle school. Students learn the real-world applications of fundamental geometric and algebraic concepts.
Our 5th graders explore natural science systems in both classroom and laboratory settings. We introduce concepts in life and physical sciences in ways that prepare students for the range of courses they will experience in their middle school years.
Social Studies
Students dive into United States history beginning with causes of the American Revolution and ending with the effects of the American Civil War. Students gain knowledge of specific battles, understand the impact of war on our nation, and review current events that will determine the course of history.
In 5th grade, students acquire Spanish language and Hispanic culture through authentic stories, songs, and interactive activities. They develop a global awareness of how culture shapes and extends their understanding of their heritage, values, beliefs, culture, and identity. The students who meet expectations can communicate and exchange information using phrases and simple sentences related to everyday life and familiar topics explored in class.
Heritage Spanish Learners: This curriculum provides learners with language experiences and activities that develop literacy skills and oral fluency through age-appropriate thematic units. They develop global awareness of how culture shapes and extends their understanding of their own heritage, values, beliefs, culture, and identity.